Civil War Pictures

These pictures were in a pocket album that belonged to my great grandfather that he carried with him during the Civil War.   I am posting them here in hopes that a direct relative might find that one of them belongs to their family. You may lift them if you would like. 

(Please click on the picture for larger view.)

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Name of Soldier Unknown.
(John Pendleton Flaherty- 12/26/04)
John Baker, Lancaster City, MO.  John Baker is home now 
with a ggrandson. His address is:
A. B. Fink, MO.


P. Hemmer,  Warsaw, Indiana Unknown, taken in Chicago, IL L. Heminger,  Felicity, Ohio


Wm. H. Duncan, Martin Company Unknown Albert H. Colby, Freeport, IL


I. N. Hide, Camp Douglas  John A. Hewitt, Elgin, IL Unknown

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