Patty's Pages

Welcome to our home page.

Photo of myself and my husband, Raymond.
Also known as Grandma and Grandpa Choo Choo.

We hope you enjoy what we are sharing with you.  Patty's Pages is quite a mix of just about anything and everything, but basically family, relatives and my life story (up to this point anyway <smile>)  but also free look ups for genealogy information. If you don't believe me, just scroll down this index page and take a look.  Have fun and come back often as I keep making changes and additions.




Welcome to my Antiques and Collectibles that I have. Most of the items being shown could be for sale if someone wants them bad enough.  I have thought of selling some of them as my house is busting at the seams and I really need to "down size." I guess when a person gets to a certain age, they feel the need to start unloading and get rid of the clutter.  I have everything from antique what ever's; a 1743 pewter collection plate from a church to even a one of a kind Olympic Volunteer Jacket.  Come in and take a look, but I have a lot more to add as I have just started.



This section will be on the Burkett family of PA.  My great grandmother was a Burkett on my Mother's Straitiff side.   Now open, come on in and enjoy! Arnold Burkett is the story teller for these pages which include genealogy, fables, poems and family stories.  A few more stories were added March 2007.                                                                



 This is...."basically a "how to" site on searching cemeteries and how to rub gravestones. I am really hooked on cemeteries!  I believe that the stones that have been erected are remaining works of art that are still in their original form and place from our ancestors.  So much can be learned from them about our families.


I have posted a few pictures of Civil War Soldiers here.  My great-grandfather carried them with him during the war in a pocket album.   I no longer am in possession of them so please feel free to lift a copy of the photo's from my web site or please see for pictures of  the WWI soldiers   You can contact if you are a relative of the John Baker. 


My collection of cigar bands, match book covers, old hotel guest soaps and my father's American Legion convention metal badges are shown here.  Index included.


 This is basically my life story, from the time I was about 2 days old up through the time this was published. I have included just a bunch of misc. stuff that might be of some interest. Also there are a few pictures of my siblings, and my kids.  I hope you enjoy it.  Come back to check on it as I keep adding things as I find them. Also here are pictures of all of my homes including the one we are in now plus an update on our health.  Index included. 


I hope that you will find comfort in my poems and you may reprint what you find but please put my name as the author and also where you found it. Also included are poems from my 16 year old grandson, Isaac.   You will now find my 16 year old Megan here also with her poems with some "grandma" comments on both of the kids.  A MUST read for sure!                 Index included.


Under construction, but you can find us in under Cathy Starnes Bancroft.  


I thought I had better add what few pictures I have of my two brothers who have passed on, Lloyd Englewood Jr. (Sonny) and Charles Arthur, (Charlie). I don't have too many but I will be adding any that I find as I am still going through boxes of pictures.  Both of them were really good looking kids. (under construction) My youngest brother, Robert John (Bobby) passed in April, 2005 so I guess I will be including him now also.  That just leaves my brother, Fred, and myself from the family still living. 


 This is my seminar talk on "Preserving and Collecting Family Memorabilia" and I have taken the liberty of adding some additional information including pictures. My memories don't have a monetary value, but the value they do have, there isn't enough money in the world to buy them.


Free look-ups from my Middlesex County, MA genealogy and history four volumes of families from the inception of the county through 1908 when they were published.  Also I have listed the names only of lithograph and black and white photos of the available heads of household that are included but I do have pictures of the homes that are in the books.  Also here are Ancestral Charts on Richard II, Duke of Normandy (not complete) but interesting.  Index included


 All I can say is "WOW", what an experience being a volunteer for the Salt Lake 2002 Winter Olympics and Paralympic Games! Click on the word Olympic to read about some of it and to see pictures of the Soldier Hollow Venue.                 Index included



This has information from a 1904 Pepperell, MA newspaper about the Farmer's Club organized in 1854. It has pictures of the board of directors and wonderful stories about their first annual Farmer's Fair.


The "stuff" at this point, is  Bancroft and Straitiff pictures and stories, some recent, some from way back including copies of Vital records of Bancroft's from different areas up to 1850; Groton cemetery tombstone epitaphs; a copy of a program from the "Japanese Operetta" of 1916 and pictures from the "Olde Pepperell High School" 1913-1961 reunion book.  You can also find information and pictures about various people and events that lived in Pepperell.  Also included is a new section on Bancroft's but these are the ones that migrated to Alabama.  



Included here is an index of what is in my cookbook along with some sample recipes. My Mum and Dad had always been in the food business of some kind, from Dad baking bread and Parker House rolls for famous eastern restaurants when we lived in MA, to them having their own "New England Cupboard" restaurant later on in Southern California.  They never actually taught me how to cook or bake but I think I must have learned by process of osmosis! I was in the catering business for about 15 years in Calif.



Just thought I would put in a copy of the brochure we made up of our Grove area.  We hope you enjoy it! You can find more information on the grove by going into Family Stories and looking in the index.


Straitiff/Bancroft Cemetery Stones

While in New England during the Spring of 2005, I took lots of pictures of my Straitiff and Bancroft and families burial plots in and around Pepperell, MA.  They are shown here. (under construction)



This section is a lot of miscellaneous things from Sudbury, MA., my growing up home town. I will always have a big love in my heart for the people that helped to raise me the first fourteen years of my life.  I have some wonderful memories and can even conjure up the funniest things that my head remembers that happened along the journey.   Other pictures and stories can be found in "Family Stories" section. Be sure to go to these two sites for some wonderful Sudbury History and genealogy!!        


Please drop me a note to let me know how you like my pages. 

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This is my very first award presented to my pages.  Thank you Harmony!

All photo's, text and backgrounds are copyrighted and owned by
Patty Bancroft Roberts
@1999-2010. . . .  Not to be used, copied or sold without permission.