Hello and welcome to my recipe choice page. You will find several recipes here and I have placed them each in a group for you to find them easily. These are just a small portion of the recipes in my cookbook. I do offer "Patty's Cakes and Things Cookbook" in its entirety for sale. You will find information on the bottom of this page on how you may purchase my book. I welcome your comments or questions on my recipes. Please do not hesitate to write. 

Click on this to take you to a complete listing of the recipes included in the cookbook.




If you would like to order this book I am selling it for, $6.50 plus shipping and handling of $2.50. E-mail me for my address. Thanks and I am sure you will like what you are getting! It has over 222 recipes plus many kitchen hints. All of the recipes are basically things that you normally would have in your home. Nothing fancy.....just plain down home cookin'

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