The Pepperell Advertiser

I found a copy of this newspaper amongst my Dad's things when I was searching for more family genealogy.  The photos are very dim and the paper almost in shreds but I did manage to copy the pictures of the members of the original committee for the "Pepperell Farmers and Mechanics Club" organized in 1854. I wasn't able to get them all due to the condition of the paper and some of them are almost unrecognizable, but I am including the best of them here. Also included will be some excerpts from the articles appearing in the paper.

 I hope that you enjoy and can use some of this information for your genealogy.

An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of Pepperell and Vicinity

EAST PEPPERELL, MASS., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1904 Original members of the Pepperell Farmer's Club organized May 1, 1854


John O. Bennett                   Avander N. Blood


George G. Tarbell               Andrew J. Woodward


Augustus S. Shattuck           Col. Samuel P. Shattuck


Albert Leighton             Charles A. Dennen


Otis I. Tarbell              Charles H. Fitch


Adel Prescott Wright           David Boynton  


Samuel R. Merrill            Lorenzo P. Blood


James M. Belcher            Rev. David Perry


Rev. Charles Babbage D.D.       L. Adelbert Boynton, 



Sumner P. Lawrence               Samuel A. Jewett
                                                First President

The following are excerpts taken from the articles regarding the formation of the club and of their First Annual Fair. (copied as written)

Organized and Held First Fair in 1854 ----Records Fifty Years Ago --- Twenty Three Past Presidents --- First Secretary Only Member of original Board of Officers Now Alive.

Fifty years ago the present year, a body of men representing  the leading citizens of Pepperell, engaged in agricultural pursuits, were busily at work on an organization which they called the Pepperell Farmers' Club but which was later changed to the present name.  The club was organized May 1st and during the following months the officers and committees were hard at work until October 19th, when their labor was crowned with success in the first annual fair of the Pepperell Farmers and mechanics Club.  No better history of the labor of these men performed in the organization can be given than that which is recorded on the books of the club.  A great deal of credit reflects upon the careful thoughtfulness of Mr. Charles Crosby, who served the club as recording secretary and treasurer the first five years, then, chairman of the executive committee, one year and then served as president, being in the latter position at the outbreak of the Civil War.

In the list of signatures to the constitution and by-laws it does not show who were the original members of the club but it appears that the first 100 became members during the first year indicated.  There are 138 names affixed to the original by-laws.  The records of fifty years ago as taken from the secretary's book are as follows, and are copied by the Advertiser, exclusively, by special vote of the club.

Pepperell, May 1, 1854.                                           
Many of the citizens of this town interested in the science and art of agriculture and desires of forming themselves into an association which would tend to promote the best interest of our citizens generally, issued a public call for a general meeting to consider the propriety of forming such an organization, and the meeting this evening is an adjournment of a series of meetings held under the call above referred to, at which C. W. Bellows, Esq., presided as chairman, and Col. Samuel P. Shattuck as secretary.
A committee having been chosen for the purpose, presented the following Preamble, Constitution and By-laws which were adopted by the meeting.


Whereas, the science and art of agriculture demanded the special attending of those who derive their support mainly from the cultivation of the earth, and whereas, it is desirable that systematic measures should be adopted to extend this science and promote this art, We the undersigned, hereby form ourselves into a society for the furtherance of these objects and adopts the following.


Article 1.  This society shall be called the Pepperell Farmer's Club.                                                                         

Article 2. Any person may become a member of this club by complying with such rules as shall be laid down in the by-laws.                                                                   
Article 3. Two-thirds of the members shall constitute  a  quorum for the transaction of  business.                       

Article 4. The officers of this club shall be president, a vice- president, a recording secretary and a corresponding secretary and an executive committee of eleven or less persons.                                                                   

 Article 5. The executive committee shall exercise a general supervision over the affairs of the club. Shall make an annual report of the same; shall audit the treasurer's account and manage the funds.

Article 6.  The club shall meet annually for the choice of officers, and also at such other times as shall be here-after decided upon.                                                             
Article 7. This constitution may be amended at any meeting of the club, provided notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given at a previous meeting.


May 1, 1854.  After the adoption of the Constitution and By-Laws, the following Persons were chosen as officers of the Club:  Samuel A. Jewett, President; B. G. Robinson, Vice President; C. W. Bellows, Corresponding Secretary; Chas Crosby, Recording Sec. & Treasurer; Leonard Henshaw, Arnold Hutchinson, Thos. J. Dow, Saml. Tucker, Luther Tarbell, Jr., Ivers R. Harvey, Henry Jewett, Moses E. Griffin, James H. Bolls, Exec. Committee.                      

Voted to request the Executive Committee to print and publish, soon as convenient a list of premiums to be awarded to the members of the Club at their exhibition in the Autumn.

Agreeable to a vote passed at one of the preliminary meetings the sum of two dollars had been expended for Old Colony Seed Corn.  The corn was this evening distributed to the Club, also a small quantity of Burr Corn, and "Black Dwarf" Winter Beet Seed.

Voted to adjourn for two weeks, to meet at 7 o'clock in the evening. Attest: Chas. Crosby, Sec. May 15, 1854. Agreeable to adgt. of Jewett, Ephriam A. Lawrence, Thos. J. Dow.


The First Annual Fair of the Club was held on the nineteenth day of October, 1854.  Although the weather in the morning was unpropitious, the multitudes that thronged our streets was unmistakable evidence that it was an occation of no ordinary interest.  The Show of fruits & vegetables in Central Hall was unexpectedly large & would have been creditable to a County.  The Exhibition of domestic manufacture & fancy articles was extensive & contributed largely to the pleasantness & interest of the scene.

The Ploughing Match took place in the morning on land of Dea. David Blood on the road East of the Village. There were five teams entered competition.  Three teams of single pair of Oxen & two teams with two pair of Oxen each.  the teams were well managed & the work well done.

Line of Teams. Immediately after the Ploughing Match a line was formed which preceeded to the Town Pound, thence by the crossroad to the road leading to Townsend near the Widow Noah Blood's thence to the common. The line of teams was preceeded by a large cavalcade.  Marshalled by Mr. Wm. B. Jewett.

Drawing Match. The trial of strength & dicipline of Oxen and horses took place in front of the Post Office.  Some excellent specimens of well trained oxen, horses were exhibited on this occation & acquited themselves, under the management of skillfull drivers, to the full satisfaction of all interested.

Premiums & Gratuities awarded by the several committees were as follows:

E. A. Lawrence, For Working Oxen.....$3.00. Chas. F. Jewett, For Working Oxen.....2..50.  N.W. Cowdry, For Working Horse.....2.00.  Danl. Butterfield, For Working Horse 1.50.  Henry Jewett, Ploughing with Double Team.....2.25.  I.R. Harvey, Ploughing with Double Team.....1.75.  Moses E. Griffin, Ploughing with Single Team.....1.75.  Alfred Boynton, Ploughing with Single Team.....1.50.  Thos. F. Tarbell, Ploughing with Single Team......75.  Saml. Blood, For the best pair Steers.....1.50.  Joseph Whitney, For the best Bull.....2.50.  Leonard Henshaw, For 2nd best bull.....2.00.  Dr. C. E. Parker, For the best Cow 1-2 Durham.....2.50.  E.A. Lawrence, For the second best Cow 1-2 Agrshive.....2.00.  Dr. J .S. N. Howe, For the best Heifer Calf......75.  Alfred Boynton, For the best Bull Calf......75.  David Bonyton, For the best fat Hog.....1.50.  Isaac Bonyton, For the best  Sow & Pig.....1.50.  Isaac Bonyton, Jr., For the best Boar.....1.50.  J. G. Shattuck, For the best Suffolk Shoat......50.  Augustus S. Shattuck, For Best Colt 1-2 Morgan.....1.25.  Saml. Tucker, For 2nd Best Colt......75.  Allen G. Parker, Best Heifer.....1.30.  Henry Ball, Best lot of Fowls......75.  Moses E. Griffin, Best Orchard.....5.00.  E. A. & A L. Lawrence, 2nd Best orchard.....3.00.  Henry Jewett, Best Acre of Corn 85 Bushels.....1.50.  Leonard Henshaw, Best Corn Fodder 1-4 Acre.....1.00.  John Bullard, Best crop Wheat 30 3-6 Bush.....1.50.  Isaac Bonyton, Jr. Best crop Oats 26 Bush.....1.50.  Henry Jewett, Seed Corn......25.  Saml Tucker, Seed Corn......25.  Joel Shattuck, Best Potato Crop.....1.00.  

For Destroying Caterpillars Nests: Chas. A. Adams, 241.....$1.50.  Chas. S. Parker, 127.....$1.37.  Chas. W. Whitcomb, 125.....$1.12.

Manufactures: Putman Shattuck, Fancy Boots.....$.25.  W,. Woods, Pr Horse Shoes......25.  Wheat Bread, Mrs. A. Hutchinson.....$.75.  Wheat Bread, Mrs. C. P. Lawrence......75. Rye & Indian Bread, Mrs. T .J. Dow......75. Leonard Henshaw, On Cheese.....1.00.  Saml. T. Shattuck, For Butter.....1.00.  E.A. Lawrence, 1st Premium on Apples.....1.00.  M E. Griffin, 2nd Premium on Apples......75.  I. Henshaw, 3rd premium on Apples......50.  E.A. & A. L. Lawrence, Best Baldwins......25.  L. Henshaw, Best Greenings......25.  John Marshall, Best Rox Russett......25.  T. J. Dow, Best Hubardston......25.  H. Jewett, Best Pumpkin Sweetings......25.

Gratuites on Fruit: Rev. C. Babidge, On Apples - .25.  S.S. Shattuck, On Apples - .25.  L. D. Jewett, On Apples - .25.  C. Larkin, On Apples - .25.  T. J. Dow, On Quinces  - .25.  Joseph Mason, On Quinces - .25.  Saml. Tucker, On Quinces - .25.  John Marshall, On Chestnuts - .25.  P. G. Adams, Apples - 25.  W. H. Adams, One Apple - .12.  C. Crosby, Isabelle Grapes -25.  T. J. Dow, For Variety of Potatoes - .25. W. Adams, Extra Beet - .25.  Chas. Larkin, Extra Squash - .25.  John Bullard, Webster Turnips - .25.  Saml. Tucker, Onions - .25.  Mrs. J. G. Shattuck, Best Pickles - .25.  W. Spaulding, Extra Turnips - .25.  P. G. Adams, Extra Pumpkins - .25.  I.D. Jewett, Pumpkins, Squash & Plant - .37.  Isaac Bonyton, Jr. Sugar Beet - .25.  L.P. Shattuck, Pumpkins & Squashes - .25.

Raised Worsted Work: Caroline Lawrence, Raised Worsted Work - .50.  Georgiania Loring, Raised Worsted Work - .37.  Abby Swift, Raised Worsted Work - .25.  M. E. Jewett, Raised Worsted Work - .25. 

Mrs. John Marshall, Flannel & Wool Blankets - .50.  Misses H.F. & R. T. Griffin, 2 Rugs - .25.  Mrs. Isaac Bonyton, 2 Rugs - .25.  Mrs. E. B. Hosely, Socks & Hose - .25.  Miss Mary C. Parker, Bed Quilt - .12.  Miss H. F.Griffin, Bed Quilt - .25.  Miss Mary Dow, Bed Quilt - .25.  Mrs. E. Lawrence, Bed Quilt - .25.  Master W. M. Spaulding, Bed Quilt - .25.  Juvenile Misn. Circle, Bed Quilt - .25.  Miss Mary F. Lewis, Table & Cover - .25.  Mrs. A .J. Marshall, 1 Ottoman - .25. Mrs. Timo. Hartwell, Mought Shoes & Bag - .12.  Mrs. Lucy Bancroft, (aged 81) Socks - .25.  Mrs. Leonard Henshaw, Tidy & Sleeves - .12.  Miss Jane Marshall, Emb. Haf - .25.  Miss Julie Emerson, Parchment box - .25.  Miss Charlotte Ivers, 2 Mats - .12.  Miss Lizzie H. Shattuck, Pictures - .12.  Mrs. Danl. F. Dow, Knit Spread - .25.  Miss Francena Bolles, Tidy - .12.  Miss Sarah Lothrop, Hair Work - .25.  Nrs. Henry Jewett, Embroidery - .12.  Mrs. Hannah Adams, Socks - .25.  Mrs. James Lewis, Hat & Braces - .25.  Mrs. J. G. Shattuck, Wreath - .25.  Mrs. Susan Lawrence, 1 Quilt - .25.  Miss Caroline Shattuck, Crayon Pictures - .37  Miss Mary B. Farrar, Crayon Pictures - .25.  Master John W. Farrar, Crayon Pictures - .37.

Club Officers

Probably the most interesting thing in connection with the club is to note the different men who have held office in the club and performed the work that reflects to the credit of the club and to the town.  Twenty-four different men have been at the head of the club as president.  Mr. Samuel A. Jewett was the first president and Mr. I. Adelbert Bonyton holds the office at present.  Mr. Charles Crosby is the oldest living past president, and nine of the 24 are deceased.  We have been fortunate in obtaining the pictures of all but one of the 24 past presidents and the collection of half tone in this issue includes all the past presidents with the exception of William F. Heald, M.D.

The following list shows those who have served the club in the principal offices, by years, with the exception of 1861 to 1865 and 1879.  Those starred are deceased.

* (deceased)

* Samuel A. Jewett, 1854

* Thomas J. Dow, 1855

* Rev. Charles Babbage, D. D., 1856, 1857

* Hon. C. W. Bellows, 1858, 1866

* Rev. David Perry, 1859

Charles Crosby, 1860, 1872

Col. Samuel P. Shattuck, 1867, 1874

* Sumner P. Lawrence, 1875

* James B. Belcher, 1868, 1869, 1878

David Bonyton, 1870, 1871

* Albert Leighton, 1872

Lorenzo P. Blood, 1876

* Abel Prescott Wright, 1877

William F. Heald, M.D., 1880, 1881

Charles A. Dennen, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1901, 1902

*Otis J. Tarbell, 1885

Samuel R. Merrill, 1886

Charles H. Fitch, 1887

John O. Bennett, 1891

George G. Tarbell, 1892, 1893

Augustus S. Shattuck, 1894, 1895, 1896

Avander N. Blood, 1897, 1898, 1900

Andrew J. Woodward, 1899

I. Adelbert Bonyton, 1903, 1904

Vice Presidents

* B. G. Robinson, 1854

* Ivers R. Harvey, 1855

* Capt. N. W. Cowdery, 1856

* Alfred L. Lawrence, 1857

* Isaac N. Wright, 1858

* Leonard Henshaw, 1859

* Allen E. Parker, 1860

* Charles Tarbell, 1866

* Henry Davenport Shattuck, 1867

* George T. Bancroft, 1868

* Charles Parker, 1869

Hon. C. W. Bellows, 1870, 1871

* Otis J. Tarbell, 1872, 1874

* John A. Dow, 1873

* Thomas Freeman Tarbell, 1875

* Abel Prescott Wright, 1876

* James M. belcher, 1877

William F. Heald, M.D., 1878, 1887

* Capt. E.A. Blood, 1880, 1881

Milo Robbins, 1882

Parker J. Kemp, 1883, 1884

Samuel R. Merrill, 1885

John I. Bonyton, 1886

Augustus D. Phelps, 1888, 1889, 1890

George G. Tarbell, 1891

Edward F. Harmon, 1892, 1893, 1894

Avander N. Blood, 1895, 1896

Andrew J. Woodward, 1897, 1898

I. Adelbert Bonyton, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902

William F. Dennen, 1903

Charles W. Keyes, 1904,

Corresponding Secretaries

* Hon. C. W. Bellows, 1854, 1856, 1860, 1867, 1868, 1869

* Samuel  A. Jewett, 1855

*Rev. David Perry, 1858

* David W. Wright, 1859

* Hon. Levi Wallace, 1866

* Rev. Charles Babbage, D. D. 1871, 1872, 1873, 1876

* David W. Jewett, 1874, 1875

Recording Secretaries and Treasurers

Charles Crosby, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1871, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1880, 1881

* James H. Bolles, 1859, 1860

* Sumner P. Lawrence, 1866

William F. Heald  M.D., 1867

* Hon. Amos J. Saunders, 1868

* Rev. Charles Babbage, D .D., 1869, 1870

Lorenzo P. Blood, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875


William F. Heald, M.D., 1882, 1883, 1884

Augustus D. Phelps, 1885, 1886

Frank W. Ames, 1878, 1888, 1889

Samuel R. Merrill, 1890 to 1897

George A. Mahoney, 1898, 1899

Harry W. Hutchinson, 1900 to 1903

Frank T. Marston, 1904


Charles Crosby, 1882, 1885 to 1901

* Otis J. Tarbell, 1883, 1884

Parker J. Kemp, 1902, 1903, 1904


* Hon. Amos J. Saunders, 1875

* James M. Belcher, 1875, 1882

Augustus D. Phelps, 1882, 1883, 1884

Avander N. Blood, 1883, 1884, 1888 to 1896, 1902, to 1904

Charles H. Jewett, 1885

James H. Hall, 1885

Parker J. Kemp, 1886 to 1900

Walter E. Preice, 1886

Charles A. Dennen, 1887

Augustus S. Shattuck, 1897 to 1900

John O. Bennett, 1901

Charles S. Parker,  1903

Edward L. Tarbell, 1903, 1904

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