More of Isaac's Poems
Ode to Anna
The heart yearns
for that which
Seems to forever
be lost
Something that is
But yet is unreachable
To feel those arms
around you
To feel the gentle
The knowledge of
the one who cares
The feeling of
being loved
The peace in
knowing you’re protected
Such is life
These desire both
gift and curse
Only the heart can
Only the heart
will see
If you but listen
to God
The answer he has
already put
Within the heart
you hold so true
Trust your mind
Trust your heart
Trust your God
Trust yourself
What is it
I thought
Such is life, a journey left untrod.
A story left untold.
Who knows where my feet have walked
whither my eyes have strayed.
Pain becomes a constant
and uncertainty, a joy.
Marred is the heart.
Wise is the mind.
Unfeeling are the hands.
Support is not needed
For strength is plentiful.
Others are dependent
But yet you cannot depend
For you are too weak
Too lost and confused.
Understood are everyone’s
Emotions but your own...
Your own feelings...
Your own thoughts...
Remain lost to you
While you find continue to find theirs.
Understanding is gone,
Replaced by confusion
blood flows freely
Let loose from its bondage.
My thoughts are finally free
To explore all that can be.
Is this Life...
Are these the
Thoughts of circumstance?
Is there ever an end
To this road I walk
Or is this journey just begun?
To let such opportunity pass unheeded ,
would that not be a sin...
What is this world in which I dwell?
Life is but a journey,
Thoughts left incomplete.
Is this the way it is to be
Is this just the end of the beginning?
Thoughts of circumstance
Run throughout my mind.
I know that if I could but find
My way then all would be complete
This prison I am in still holds me back.
Uncertainty lingers...
Thoughts still lie unfinished...
My journey yet to be complete.
This is the end I say
When all seems so unclear.
Wisdom and Knowledge are fleeting.
Emotions never last.
Courage is but a deception
Which cleverly masks the fear
Never shall my mind roam free.
For what will be has been
And so Life Goes
Continuing to be throughout the ages.
Thoughts of uncertainty can not be heeded
Only fear will remain